#IZM2020 „Who’s that Zinester?“

Seit einigen Jahren beteiligen wir uns am International Zine Month, so auch in diesem Jahr. Die Beiträge bündeln wir unter dem Hashtag #IZM2020. Bisher haben wir als Mitarbeiter*innen hauptsächlich Zines vorgestellt, die uns wichtig sind oder die wir neu in der Sammlung haben. Für dieses Jahr haben wir uns eine neue Rubrik überlegt: „Whos that Zinester?“

Wir stellen euch in den kommenden Wochen Zinemacher*innen vor, deren Zines wir toll finden und in der Sammlung haben, mit denen wir arbeiten oder einfach so in einem engen Austausch sind. Wir haben eine kleine Auswahl an Menschen unsere Fragen geschickt und hier sind ihre Antworten.

Heute stellen wir euch die Künstlerin Lilli Loge vor.

Lilli kennen wir schon sehr lange, da sie neben ihrer großartigen Kunst auch in der politischen Vermittlungsarbeit für uns tätig ist. Neben dem Weitergeben von Zeichenskills ist Lilli auch als politische Bildnerin zu queeren und genderrelevanten Themen für unser Projekt Diversity Box aktiv gewesen und leitet auch aktuell npch Comicworkshops für Culture on the Road.

Tell us about your zine/project!

I’m doing  art- and comic-zines – technically since 2003, but more serious since 2008. I like to use zines to try out different things. For example I did several modern queer versions of  “Tijuana Bibles” ( a mixture of satire and sex,  popular in 1920’s – 40’s  USA). I also did a zine about menstrual cups, one about trauma and one about perfectionism.

What was the reason to start your own zine? Did someone or something inspire you?

I could say that I like to experiment with printing and binding-techniques, that I love crafting and that the zine-szene is lovely. I really feel that way, but to be honest, the main reason I started self-publishing was, because I was too shy to take the steps that are needed to get a publisher.

A zine you would recommend because it deals with issues you care about

“These things might help, a self-care-zine” by Lois de Silva.

Zine related places  you visited or want to visit in the future? Tell us why!

I would love to visit all the stores and Distros that sell or sold my zines, that I haven’t visited yet: Microcosm Publishing (Portand), Quimbys Bookstore (Chicago), Disparate (Bordeaux), Fatbottombooks (Barcelona), Taco Che (Tokyo), Boismu (Bejing)

What projects are you involved in besides publishing zines?

I just published the mini-zine  “Aubrey Beardsley on Emotional Violence” with “2Bongoût“.
During the Corona-crisis  I did several  funny instructional comics ( “Motto-days”) on instagram. If we experience a second wave , there might be new “episodes”.
Since 2016 I  am working on a graphic novel which will be published by Avant Verlag. Looks like it might be finished next year..
And I just started a new comic on instagram together with Stef (@underwaterowl).  So, stay tuned!

A collaboration you are dreaming about?

I would like  to work with publishers  from around the world.

What would you be more interested in? A zine about cats or dogs?

I had a cat, so I’m more interested in the weird behaviors of cats.

Which fellow zinester would you rob a bank with and why?

Karla Paloma, because I hope that she would transform into one of the fierce bitches from her zines  when we are in  trouble.

Your life motto or a message you want to share:

All these tacky inspirational quotes spreading over instagram and Facebook are actually  true!

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